Available Works Gallery [Coming Soon]

Past Works Gallery [More Additions Coming Soon]

Medieval Fair & Market Appearances

Wood Selections

Custom Order Wood Selection
Wood selection may include, but not limited to:

Pine, Oregon Pine, Redgum, Bluegum, Jarrah, Oak, Walnut, Victorian Ash, PNG Pine, Lebanese Cedar, Feijoa, Bay, Silverbirch/Spalted Silverbirch, Pearwood, Nectarine, Peach, Redgum Burl, Mallee Burl, Peppercorn Burl, Meranti, Merbau, Tasmanian bluegum, Tasmanian Huon Pine.
Recycled, Reclaimed; Desks, bedframes, tables, etc

Wood choice may be limited the due to size and shape, depending on the job.